Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Taking it like a MAN!!!!

That is an X-ray of Ian's left hand taken after he shot a 3 inch spike into it on Sunday. He was over helping me build the indoor climbing wall at our new house. We were working on the framing and the nail gun slipped off the 2x4 Ian was nailing a piece of blocking into. All I saw was him flinch after he shot the gun and he turned to me and said "can I have some help". I looked at his hand to see the spike going through both sides of his hand. Ian remained calm and we quickly got him into a car and off to the hospital. He fortunately didn't nail his hand to a board or hit any bones so removing the nail was pretty easy for the Doc. It looks like it should heal quickly and he hopefully didn't do any permanent damage.

Through the whole ordeal he took it really well and even came back and helped us with installing the plywood. Major tough guy props to Ian for that one. I do have to say a big thanks to....Nic, Marcus, Ian, Paul, Shei, and Van for all their help with constructing the new indoor gym. It looks like it is going to be lots of fun to play on.

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