Friday, November 16, 2007


Wrote this on Friday....didn't get around to posting it until today.....

Think I am getting softer or smarter as I get older. Went for a run with 'The Mang' and Diablo this morning. It was pretty good. Finished up after 35 minutes fairly tired, but my feet and hands weren't cold so I was stoked. I haven't ridden my bike in almost two weeks. I just can't muster up the enthusiasm to ride in the cold right now. I think I have had too many mornings of riding in the cold and dark and I have run out winter riding mojo. I know there are lots of people who ride in colder and less desirable conditions than I ever would, but I have never liked being cold and now I seem to like it even less. So I think I may be doing a bit of running in the mornings this winter.

Got a call from JonnyO yesterday. He has decided pass on coming back to Penticton this winter and head to New Mexico. Too bad because I think Dr. Tommy and I were both looking forward to having him come out on the skate skis. But it does work out okay for M and I since we are turning his room into a bouldering cave.

The shop has been really slow this week. Fortunately the latest New World Disorder video arrived today so we spent some time checking it out. It is currently playing for the second time in the shop. There is some unbelievable footage in that movie along with some amazing scenery and camera work. The quality of all the freeride videos seems to be ever increasing. Too bad there weren't more to watch.....we have the time right now.


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